Friday, May 3, 2013

Choosing Your College

How To Make the Big Decision:  Choosing Your College

The acceptance letters are in....who would have ever thought applying was the easy part?  Now, it's time to make THE decision.  Here are some tips to consider when deciding:

1. Make a Requirement List-  Sit down with your parents and together come up with the top 4 to 6 things that are most important to you for a college.  This could relate to the college offering a major of your interest or another example is if there is Greek life on campus.  Write down what is most important to you and then see how these requirements match up to the colleges you are deciding between.  

2. Evaluate the Cost Factor-  College is expensive.  Write down the costs of each of your schools; how much is the tuition, room and board, books, travel costs, etc?  Are any schools offering a scholarship?  Is one school significantly more than the others?

3. Identify Learning Style- Students attend college is learn.  Think about the best environment for you when it comes to learning.  Do you enjoy being in a small class size or would you prefer to be in a large lecture hall?  Do you enjoy more interactive learning or lots of textbook reading?  Decide what the best environment is for you and then see what schools match that.

4.Social Preferences- The social aspect is extremely important in college.  You want to feel happy and comfortable in the college you choose and that includes your social life.  Think about how you enjoy spending your free time.  Would you prefer a school that has a ton of campus activities, one that is big into Greek Life, one that is focused on sports, etc?  Think about this and then match it up to your choices.

Although there are tons of factors to consider when making this big decision, these four are good ones to get you started.  Good luck!